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Jeg kan heldigvis stadig ønske mig disse Disanaprodukter til lillepigen! |
Som nævnt i dette blogindlæg var jeg ret bekymret over et par babybukser, der indeholder angora. Det meste angorauld kommer fra Kina, hvor kaninerne bliver spændt fast, får flået ulden ud af huden, og bagefter må sidde i smerte under kummerlige forhold.
Kæk som jeg følte mig, gik jeg ud fra at får bliver behandlet bedre generelt og at det derfor som udgangspunkt er etisk forsvarligt at benytte uld. Dette er dog en sandhed med modifikationer. Jeg elsker uld. Til alt, faktisk. Men som nævnt i det tidligere indlæg besluttede jeg mig for at kontakte begge tøjfirmaer for at høre hvad de egentlig gør for at sikre sig at produktionsdyrene ikke lider overlast. Caramel Baby&Child har endnu ikke svaret, men jeg håber da det kommer. Til gengæld har Disana svaret - endda af to omgange. Deres første email-svar lød således:
"First of all thank you very much for your e-mail and your interest in our products. It is a pleasure to hear, that you like our assortment.
The natural wool we use, comes from sheep in Argentina. Our CEO, Mr. Elmar Sautter, has already been on the farms in Argentina, to check if they treat their animals well. And after this visit we can truly say, that the sheep are treated well and the people who work there are very nice and professional.
You can use this information for your Blog, and it is also ok to translate it into Danish.
Best regards and have a nice day!
Corinna Herzel"
I dag modtog jeg så endnu en email, fra selveste Elmar, som skulle være personen der har besøgt farmene og derfor bør kende lidt til forholdene fårene lever under. Han bekræfter at deres uld kommer fra får der bliver behandlet ordentligt. Jeg er noget overrasket over hvad han fortæller i emailen, fordi jeg aldrig havde drømt om at man udfører den slags mishandling af får - han fortæller nemlig at man i Australian ( DVS. IKKE DE FÅR DER BENYTTES TIL DISANAS PRODUKTER) faktisk flår hudstykker af fårene for at undgå nogle myggelarver. Jeg vil ikke anbefale at google dette fænomen, da det bestemt ikke er rare billeder.
Her er hans fulde svar:
"Dear Christine,
Thank you for your e-mail and your question about the origin of our wool. I’m sure you like to know more about the sheep for our wool, because of the “Mulasing” of sheep
We are pretty proud to know all our suppliers and partners on every step in the production of our disana articles. Also the farms and the way the sheep for our wool are treated.
Last October I was in Patagonia (South Argentina) to visit the farms where our wool does come from. I learned a lot about sheep farming, how to treat the animals and how to work with the land the sheep are grazing on.
All the farms for our disana woolen articles do work certified organic. So they have to work under special regulations about how they tread the land and the animals. This is checked at least once a year by a independent agency.
I work in this business for over 20 years now and I have been surprised how respectful and professional the workers tread the animals. “The sheep are our capital and we do work careful with our capital” was a sentence I heard very often.
We have been there in the time the wool was sheared from the sheep. A hard work which is done by professional shearing workers. On big farms more than 2.000 sheep get sheared a day. Stress for the workers and the animals.
During shearing time I have heard no harsh words, no shouting, nothing what could stress the animals. There was hardly any blood, no pushing or even beating the animals. Only quiet professional work. Really amazing.
At the moment PTA runs a big campaign about Mulasing of the sheep. We also condemn this treatment of the sheep.
In Patagonia they do not use mulasing for sheep, simply as they don’t have to. Mulasing is because of a certain kind of a mosquito who lays its eggs into the skin of the sheep. A big problem in Australia, but not in Patagonia. They don’t have this mosquito, it is much to windy there. Perfect conditions for our sheep.
Of course you can use this statement for your blog if you like to.
Best regards
Jeg er selvfølgelig rigtigt lettet over at Disanas produkter ikke skal bandlyses herhjemme fordi fårene har det godt og ikke mishandles. Samtidig har jeg lært noget, nemlig at australsk uld ikke kommer indenfor mine døre hvis jeg kan gøre noget for at undgå det! Det er på én måde dejligt og ubehageligt at lære dette. Nu kan jeg - selv om jeg aldrig bliver aktivist - forsøge at gøre noget for at tale fårenes sag, men jeg bliver aldrig immun overfor hvor onde mennesker kan være på bekostning af dyr. Det er altså noget hele tøjbranchen, store modehuse som mindre børnetøjsmærker, burde tage til efterretning. Pyh.
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